Physical Show:

March 31 - April 2, 2023 at Portland Civic Hall
[ Portland, Victoria ]

On-line Show:

On-line until April 16th 

Magpies In Our Garden by Lynne Bertalli


ARTIST NOTES: Magpies in our Garden is a work drawn from my passion for wildlife and Australian Flora. These beautiful birds frequent our garden, digging for worms, eating insects and caterpillars. They are very much a family and are wonderful & patient parents. Their bird song is so beautiful; they are playful , intelligent and very resourceful. I find them amusing and adorable. With my work I use various techniques of dry brush, washes & thick layers of paint to create my work. This painting is on canvas and is ready to hang. Medium Acrylic Paint on Italian canvas stretched onto a wood frame and ready to hang with D rings and wire. Signed on the front.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 80.00 cm X Width - 100.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Acrylic on Canvas
GENRE Contemporary
REGISTERED NRN # 000-42640-0139-01
COPYRIGHT © Lynne Bertalli


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Artist: Lynne Bertalli


Lynne is an emerging artist who lives & works in Melbourne, Australia. She shares her home with her husband and two cats Billie & Lucie. Her previous career was in Product Development resourcing art & design for the Home wares and Greeting Cards Industries. She has studied a Diploma of Visual Arts at CAE Boxhill Institute in 2019, Ceramics at Monash University and Clarinda Ceramics Studio as well as a Diploma of Fine Art at Ballart College of Advanced Education. She has travelled through South East Asia, China, Italy, France & Turkey. The inspiration for her work is drawn from her love of all creatures great & small, her beautiful cats, her garden, childhood stories, gallery visits and online research. She is strongly influenced by the works of artists Marc Chagall, Mirka Mora, Arthur Boyd and Charles Blackman.


  • 1977 Diploma of Fine Art Ballarat College of Advanced Education
  • 1979 Travelled South East Asia
  • 1990 to 2017 Career in Design & Product Development
  • 2001 Monash University Cermaic Short Coues 4 years
  • 2007 Clarinda Ceramic Studios 4 years
  • 2010 Travelled Europe
  • 2019 Diploma of Visual Arts CAE Box Hill Institute


  • 202O Camberwell Art Show-Boroondara Artists Virtual
  • 2020 Art Red Hill Exhibition-Virtual
  • 2020 Albert Park College Art Show-Virtual
  • 2020 Twin Rivers Lions Club Art Virtual Exhibition- Highly Commended
  • 2020 Heide Gallery Online Drawing Challenge
  • 2020 Heide Gallery Online Painting Challenge
  • 2020 Canterbury Art Show
  • 2019 Cat-hibition -in.cube8 gallery -Fitzroy
  • 2019 CAE Box Hill Institute "objects in Church student Exhibition